Triggers Overview

In this article, you will learn about Triggers.

Triggers are conditional statements (similar to Zaps in Zapier) that connect all the different modules together.

Think of triggers as the wiring or 'secret sauce' in the back-end making all the cool things actually happen.


Let's say you have set up a Zap in Zapier to push leads into a campaign when they fill out a form embedded in a landing page. You also want to send an SMS notification to your client to let them know when this happens (the equivalent to letting them know they have a new lead).

How would we do this? By setting up a trigger.

Step 1

Click Triggers

Step 2

Click + New Basic Rule

Step 3

Choose a trigger from the Choose a trigger dropdown and add all the necessary filters

Step 4

Click +Add action

Step 5

Choose an action from the Choose a action dropdown and all the necessary filters

Step 6

Name the Trigger in the Trigger name field

Step 7

Click the Draft dropdown and click Activate